
Important Dates Deadline for paper submission: March 1st, 2019

Notification of acceptance: April 1st, 2019

Registration closes: May 9th, 2019

Conference dates: May 16-17th, 2019

The emergence of a huge number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), particularly in the field of environment, constitutes a prominent lever for transforming markets, society and public policies. NGOs are now central actors of policy-making processes as well as initiators of public debates about the needs of environmental policies. They play a critical role in public politics by providing people with information about the environmental state of the world, bringing social and environmental issues to public awareness, and mobilizing support for political action on these issues. They also strongly influence corporate incentives to self-regulate. A better understanding of NGOs behavior and strategies seems thus crucial. Economists have tools and approaches (e.g., experimental economics, political economy, and information economics), which could efficiently complement the existing literature in political science, sociology, socioeconomics, management, and business ethics. This conference will therefore be devoted to the economic analysis of the interactions between environmental NGOs, firms and regulators addressing issues related to environmental protection and energy transition. Are welcome all the theoretical and applied works, on topics that include – but are not limited to – public awareness campaigns, education, informational lobbying, boycott actions, corporate social and environmental responsibility, donations, charities, ecolabelling, voluntary agreements... Works in political science, sociology, and business ethics are also welcome.

The conference will be held at Paris School of Economics, France, on the 16th and 17th May 2019.

Scientific committee:

Mireille Chiroleu-Assouline (PSE, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Matthieu Glachant (CERNA, MinesParisTech)
Philippe Mahenc (CEE-M, University Montpellier)
David Martimort (PSE, EHESS)

Personnes connectées : 1